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Columns are written by Globe Opinion staff columnists. Op-eds are written by outside contributors. Both represent the views of individual writers.

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Israel and America are having a disagreement. That’s OK.

The Jewish state has repeatedly earned US respect by not being a pushover.

Jeff Jacoby

Does Jane Fonda really require more honor?

Of all the people to single out for honor on “Black April,” none was more certain to provoke outrage in Vietnamese American circles than Jane Fonda, who has been widely reviled as “Hanoi Jane” since 1972.


The misplaced notion that Donald Trump is a business whiz

His actual record shows staggering losses and unethical practices.


No, Diddy didn’t apologize for assaulting Cassie Ventura

After a video surfaced, he made excuses for his violent behavior, but he neither mentioned Cassie Ventura nor addressed how he called her a liar for telling the truth.

Mohamad Ali

Targeting Muslims while they bank

Beneath outward manifestations of bias is a hidden and unpredictable layer of discrimination embedded in our computer systems, algorithms, and data. Muslims frequently feel the effects.

Alan Wirzbicki

What in carnation? A budding insight into my fellow T riders.

A guy walks into the T carrying flowers...


State leaders knew about Steward’s spiral but did nothing to stop it

Leaders knew for years about Steward’s fiscal disaster. The 14-year time span covers the administrations of three governors and three attorneys general.


For a Concord small business, Haitian migrants get the job done

This story stands out as a small-scale example of how to overcome certain barriers to hire recently arrived migrants, most of whom are desperate to work and become self-sufficient.