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An ageist incident at work made my blood boil. Then I realized something essential.

I needed to believe in my own narrative, not the ones foisted on me by a youth-obsessed society.


I used to live in a Michigan child-care desert. Then I came to Cambridge.

The city is offering free access to high-quality preschool. More places need to do the same.


No one seems to care about this Massachusetts law. That’s a shame.

Drivers can help fight climate change simply by following the rules. Why are people oblivious?


Make-up mirrors, pin-ups, mansplaining: Why women still find car buying miserable

Other industries have improved. Why are car dealers stuck in the 1950s?


One more game with Dad: Why the 49ers getting to the Super Bowl meant so much to me

With my father in home hospice care in California, this NFL season has given us a chance to stay connected over sports.


Time to embrace the sump pump. Flooded basements are the future of New England’s winters.

Flooded basements, swollen rivers, and battering surf are the new normal in the climate-change era. Be prepared.


If Minnesota can redesign a problematic state seal in 3 months, why can’t Massachusetts?

Mass. has spent more than two years on a similar state seal redesign process. You won’t believe what we got out of it.


I’m a climate reporter trying to cut plastics out. But my kid wanted a Barbie Dreamhouse.

The hulking pile of plastic will surely delight my daughter – and likely waste away in a landfill some day in the future.